Sumptuously soft and cosy, our cashmere cable headbands come in 6 classic colour options. Perfect for keeping your ears warm on outdoor adventures these knitted headbands make a stunning statement accessory to add some panache to any look.
Dry Clean Only
100% Cashmere
Made in Scotland
100% Cashmere
Made in Scotland
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Sumptuously soft and cosy, our cashmere cable headbands come in 6 classic colour options. Perfect for keeping your ears warm on outdoor adventures these knitted headbands make a stunning statement accessory to add some panache to any look.
Dry Clean Only
100% Cashmere
Made in Scotland
Embrace slow fashion without compromising on style with our exquisite range of knitted hats and headbands. Showcasing the unparalleled qualities of cashmere, we ensure the utmost comfort and warmth. Elevate your style and experience the epitome of our luxury sustainable cashmere accessories.
Have your luxurious Kinalba product gift wrapped in elegant, sustainable packaging. Our gift to you is that it’s completely free of charge – as is delivery. We will handwrite your message for that personal touch. You can include this in the check out process before payment. Thank you for shopping with Kinalba x
Have your luxurious Kinalba product gift wrapped in elegant, sustainable packaging. Our gift to you is that it’s completely free of charge – as is delivery. We will handwrite your message for that personal touch. You can include this in the check out process before payment. Thank you for shopping with Kinalba x